Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm going to catch you, you better run!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Carter as a T-Rex, bad pics but he was so excited and wouldn't stand still!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What to say...

I'm so excited for Halloween! The boys are going to be dinosaurs, oh my, sooo cute! I will post pics once I take some. We have been enjoying our wonderful fall weather here in Kansas. We have been seriously blessed with the temperatures ranging from 65-70 degrees which is so great since our summer was terrible and we had to stay indoors. Jax is being a little daredevil, he likes to climb up to the highest slide when we go to the park and giggles the whole way down. He's also saying more words, this week he mastered thank you, it sounds like "tank ewe" but I'm just happy he's speaking. Carter is loving preschool! He is always excited to go and if I need to get him motivated to move, I just say, hurry up, we are going to school today. He loves seeing his new friends and doesn't always participate in the crafts but well, he's a guy. hehe Next week Drew is on vacation so he'll get to take Carter and stay for part of circle time and the preschool "fall party" is next week. They will be taking a walking field trip to a local apartment building for the elderly do have a parade and sing silly songs. Carter doesn't know he gets to dress up for school yet, he's going to be crazy happy!

I had the boys' fall pictures taken a few weeks ago, they turned out really cute. I was having some serious mommy guilt because Jaxon still hasn't been in to get "professional" pictures taken, so these were his first. He didn't like them at all, and it took a while to get any smiley pics and I don't think there is even one without me in it. Last week Carter had school pics and we could sign up sibilings to have their pictures taken too, so I did. Woo-hoo twice in a month for Jax, lol! He did the same thing, clingy to me but we did finally get a few good shots the photographer was so patient with us! One of these days we'll find time to get family pics done but I don't know when that will be, hehe.