Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Douglas County Fair

The fair is here! Or was, lol. We went on Thursday night and had a great time. Carter loved seeing and feeding the animals and seriously enjoyed watching the tractor pull. Jax slept, because that's what he does, lol. My friend's parents were square dancing that night too, so it was really cool to watch Tim and Ronda boogie down. I took a few pics of Carter on the pony ride, a little boy behind him started to freak out and that caused Carter to have a minor panic attach and have to get down. He doesn't like it when people around him cry, even Jax crying makes him cry, my little sensitive man. We had dinner with Robert and Rita tonight because Bridget is in town for a few days, I love hearing Carter say "Aunt B" its just sooo stinkin' cute! One day Jax is going to be talking too and then I'll miss these snuggly baby days, until then I'm just going to enjoy :)

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