Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Why bother? I don't need to set a "resolution" in order to challenge myself to better myself. I can challenge myself any day, even on a MOANDAY. I actually cleaned my kitchen today, no resolutions necessary, woot woot! Tomorrow I'm going to "make time for friends" by driving my happy ass and my wonderful babies over to a friends house to hang out, laugh at our babies, and just enjoy each other's company. yeah, go me. Here is the thing, if there is something about your life you don't like, then change it. You don't need a reason, just do it and you will be happier. I guess if I was forced to make a New Year's Resolution it would be to only drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning instead of 4 :o) Now that I have a Keurig 4 cups is gonna get expensive!

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